More Luminato Coverage In The Globe And Mail!

Some more incredible sneak peaks of Luminato’s insane shipping container-built theatre at the historic Hearn Generating Station in Toronto’s Port Lands have emerged in a Friday article in The Globe and Mail.
Writes Architecture critic Alex Bozikovic:
Three weeks before the festival, the 1,200-seat main theatre was just being put together. Work crews hustled through the Hearn’s 400,000 square feet of glorious industrial ruin – which will be free and open to the public during the festival. The concrete floors were pitted and studded with steel stubs; most of the tall, cathedral space was still dark.
And yet the magic of the space was already obvious. Fragments of the plant’s turbine hall, house-sized hunks of concrete that will hold festival bars and installations, marched away 200 metres into the gloom. A few 20-foot shipping containers lay about like toys; these steel boxes, which carried fittings and equipment into the space, would help form walls in what Partisans calls “architectural Jenga.”
Mr. Weisbrodt seemed serene about the looming deadline. “We come from the theatre world,” he mused, “where people are used to working quickly and in parallel.”
On the other hand, I said, theatre companies aren’t usually building an entire theatre in a few weeks. “We are building an entire cultural institution,” he countered.
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More will be revealed on Luminato very shortly! Make sure you go grab tickets.
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